Buzz Aldrin

  • 网络巴兹·奥尔德林;巴兹-奥尔德林;艾德林;布兹·奥尔德林
Buzz AldrinBuzz Aldrin
  1. Kennedy . However , from the impact point of view , is irrelevant Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin 's.


  2. So , unless youre Buzz Aldrin , skip it and launch straight into your answer .


  3. Was it Neil Armstrong , John Glenn , Alan Shepard or Buzz Aldrin ?


  4. Just like Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin , when they landed on the moon , it was a story that was shared .


  5. And the first men to step on the Moon-astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin have never spoken about their lunar adventures .


  6. Each timepiece contains metal from the Apollo 11 spacecraft used by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin to get to the Sea of Tranquility in 1969 .


  7. Buzz Aldrin , Stephen Hawking , Elon Musk , and Steve Wozniak have all appeared as guest stars on The Big Bang Theory over the years .


  8. He welcomed and declared Neil Armstrong , Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins as " three genuine American heroes " who enriched American as well as world history by putting their first step on the moon .


  9. He says , " We 've been there before . There 's a lot more of space to explore . " Buzz Aldrin , one of the first men to walk on the moon , agrees with the president .


  10. The real Gene Kranz turns 81 next month and it seems that he still remembers every detail of all his mission , especially the moment 45 years ago when Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong first landed on the moon .


  11. The most recent photos of the moon taken by NASA 's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera show that the flags still exist - except the one planted by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin after they became the first humans to touch the lunar surface July 20 , 1969 .


  12. Such has been Nasa 's faith in Mr Musk that it has even granted SpaceX a licence to operate from the hallowed ground of Launchpad 39A , the site from which Neil Armstrong , Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins blasted off to the Moon in 1969 .


  13. Edwin " Buzz " Aldrin was pilot of the moon lander vehicle .


  14. But such plans , ambitious as they are , disappoint many space enthusiasts , including the second man to step foot on the moon , in the Apollo 11 mission , Edwin " Buzz " Aldrin .


  15. Launched on July 16 , 1969 , it carried Mission Commander Neil Alden Armstrong , Command Module Pilot Michael Collins , and Lunar Module Pilot Edwin Eugene ' Buzz ' Aldrin , Jr. On July 20 , Armstrong and Aldrin became the first humans to land on the Moon , while Collins orbited above .
